Internships, Job Shadows, & Interviews ApplicationYour Personal InformationYour Name(Required) First Last Your Email Address(Required) Enter Email Confirm Email Your Phone(Required)Are you interested in an internship, job shadowing, or interviewing a member of our staff?(Required) internship job shadowing interviewing a member of the staffInternshipIntegrative Mind and Body Services values very much their relationships with colleges and universities across the commonwealth and beyond. Our partnership with students persuing careers in the social/human services and social justice fields are paramount to the development of our field, communities, and networks of available resources. To make sure we are the right fit for each other, we would like to learn a little bit more about you so that we can ensure we can provide you with an experience that is congruent with college/university requirements as well as your professional and personal development goals. To learn more about us, please look around the rest of the website and find us on Facebook. Please take time to answer all the questions.College/University:(Required)Which of our locations would you prefer?(Required) Scranton Harrisburg New Milford MillersburgPlease select your current status(Required) undergraduate student graduate student doctoral studentTotal hours per week desired:(Required)Hours per week that must be with clients:(Required)Number of semesters will you commit to?(Required)Approx start date(Required) Month Day Year Approx end date(Required) Month Day Year Do you have a requirement to record (audio or video) any of your sessions:(Required) yes noDo you have a requirement to facilitate or co-facilitate any groups:(Required) yes noTell us about areas of interest:(Required)Tell us what your dream internship would look like:(Required)Your Resume(Required)PDF or Microsoft Word documentAccepted file types: pdf, docx, doc, Max. file size: 64 MB.Signature(Required)Job ShadowPlease select your current status(Required) high school student undergraduate student graduate studentIs this required for a class, project, or as part of a graduation requirement?(Required) required for a class part of a project graduation requirement OtherWhich of our locations would you prefer?(Required) Scranton New Milford MillersburgWhat would you like to see?(Required)If there is a specific person you would like to shadow, please enter their name here. (Optional)(Required)Is there a date you would like to have this job shadow done by? Month Day Year Interview a Member of the StaffPlease select your current status(Required) high school student undergraduate student graduate studentIn person or virtual?(Required) in person virtualWhich of our locations would you prefer?(Required) Scranton New Milford MillersburgTell us a little bit about your project requirements.(Required)When does the interview need to be conducted by?(Required) Month Day Year